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Welcome to my eclectic website, where I display in public the clutter that fills my brain. Most of the interesting stuff is under the Root Cause Analysis section. Maybe you'll find something useful here, or maybe not. All I know for sure is that I need to have some kind of outlet for my half-formed ideas. I'm hoping that the discipline required to put these ideas into words (and publish them here) will help me, somehow.

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HPT Treasures: Practical Situational Awareness
I posted about Situational Awareness at HPT Treasures today. What I didn't say in that post was that I've experimented with a few different methods previously... and when I didn't like any of them, I created my own called SCAN (download link below). SCAN stands for: SenseConsiderAnticipateNeutralize I think SCAN could be a useful implementation of the "Scan & Focus" method discussed in the HPT Treasures post. It would be especially useful for anyone that's on their own. How I think th[...]

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by Bill Wilson
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Bill Wilson © 2004-2020

Last updated: December 12, 2014 at 22:37 pm