In DEPTH Cause Analysis for Equipment Problems
Equipment degrades, malfunctions, or fails outright… hopefully not too frequently, but every breakdown can be painful. So, of course, you will want to figure out exactly...
eLearning, Root Cause Analysis, Flim-Flam and Jibber-Jabber
Equipment degrades, malfunctions, or fails outright… hopefully not too frequently, but every breakdown can be painful. So, of course, you will want to figure out exactly...
You’ve just suffered through the indignity of being on the wrong end of a root cause analysis… and now somebody has the nerve to come...
Despite everything you might have heard to the contrary1, Auditors are people2 with real feelings3, and like everyone else4, all they really want is to...
by Bill Wilson · Published September 24, 2014 · Last modified November 18, 2014
One of the Senior VPs at work posted something interesting on his internal blog today, essentially asking the following question: “What does a fully-developed and...
Kathleen DeFilippo over at The AntiSyphus Effect (lost to the ravages of time, kind of, but see below) has written a very nice collection of...
Root cause analysis can be characterized in many ways. Some refer to it as a tool for continuous improvement. Others call it a method for...
There are many commonly held beliefs about root cause analysis that bother me. Perhaps the single most irksome to me is the statement “it’s an...
Most problems and accidents involve human activity at some point or other. Often, this activity is right at the point of occurrence, and people at...
Problems come in all shapes and sizes. I’ve been involved in all kinds of investigations, from those dealing with something as mundane a chronic lack...
Problems happen all the time. How we choose to respond is a major factor in determining how badly we will be affected by any given...